Sunday, November 2, 2014

How's your novel?

Did you make it out to your NaNoWriMo kick-off party this weekend? How are the first two days of the challenging treating you? Are you making the word goal of 1,667 a day? Comment and let the group know!

As for me, it has been a good start to things. I did make it out to my kick-off party on Friday night. There must have been 100 people there, most of them dressed in costumes, and the conversations were great. The two MLs, Wave Cloud and the Innovation Pavilion all did a great job to put on an awesome event, and let's not forget all of the great food the members brought, nice job everyone!

My word count has been steady over the two days. Not where I wanted it by my standard, though well ahead of the Nano goal, but I also didn't anticipate being down with a head cold, which is actually a bonus because I would have put money on having strep when I got up on Saturday morning. My daughter dodged the strep, but my son had it all week. And somehow Mom, like usual, dodged both the head cold my daughter and I have and the strep bug. Go moms!

I finished the day just shy of 10,000 words, and I have written 7 scenes in the book. There have already been some surprises along the way from my characters acting on their own, and some neat plot wrinkles have shown up. In fact an entire scene and a half showed up to really add to the action and character development that didn't make the outline, or even occurred to me until I was writing it, I love novel writing surprises. I put in some solid hours into the project, and I would be closer to probably 15-18K with the time put in, but things have been a lot slower this project. I am using a POV system that I have never played with before, and have only read a couple of authors ever use before. It is a experimental project for sure, but it has yielded some surprising results. I will try and post some material during the week from the book in progress.

We also enjoyed a power outage at home after hen someone was pulling a u-turn down our busy street and hit a power line pole hard enough to knock it over. The whole situation was bizarre, my daughter didn't fall asleep for her nap because her nightlight shut off, and our apartment complex made a mass exodus, Walking Dead style, out to the curb to watch. Granted they didn't have much else to do when the Broncos game was cut short in the second quarter, though it may have turned out to be more of a blessing for the Bronco fans.

Tomorrow I am back to work, but there is a write-in about three minutes from my store at the time I get off from work, so I may find myself at the Atlanta Bread Company typing my fingers off while my wife enjoys a PTA meeting, I think I win that one for sure. I am also going to try and jam out a few words at lunch.

How is your word challenge going after just two days? Are you getting your word grind on? Don't forget to post your word count in the comments below, and make sure you update your word count on along the way. Denver alone is at 1.8 million words from the last time I checked, which has to be a region record!

Grind those words until your hands hurt! You can always rest in December.!

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